A Brief History of the Period 2020-2040

The major events which are predicted by #thehighersources Earth is transiting from one era to another. The shift began...

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Shocking Predictions for the US and the World by Psychic Joseph Tittel

The period July 2024 to 2026 will be a time for great chaos and great awakening for the United States and the whole world. The dark forces will try to stop the Presidential election in the United States. The lives of the candidates are in danger. Europe will be in turmoil. New war will break out there. False attacks will be staged against the USA so that the US can retaliate in order to cause chaos in the world. All systems will change. Many leaders will fall. Great chaos, unexpected events will cause great awakening among the humanity. Prepare for the ride. Its about to get rough !

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Music in the Heaven

Many NDE experiences and religious literature speak about the first experience when people reach the spirit world after death is that of music coming from all around. Why and How? #thehighersources answers the questions

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Gravity and Anti-Gravity

What is Gravity and how can Anti-Gravity be generated? Is gravity and magnetism the same force? #thehighersources enlightens us about future of science and technology

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Monoliths - Who are behind these objects?

Are the monoliths found in different object placed by the Alien Extra Terrestrial beings? Or are these objects made by humans? If so, who is behind it and why? #thehighersources inform us

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Interpretation of a Dream

Many years ago, in my dream I saw two beings, one wearing a hooded black robe and another one a hooded white robe taking me into the space above the earth, holding my hands while we were looking down to the earth and something was happening there. They were telling me something but I don't remember. What could that mean? #thehighersources interpretes

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A Storm is Coming

A storm is approaching. It will feel overwhelming but hold the light during the sweeping onslaught

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Heaven, Our Home - Part-IV

In the Part-IV of the series, #thehighersources answer a large number of questions about Heaven and Reincarnation and also clarifies some commonly held misconceptions

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Why USA discontinued manned mission to the moon after 1972

Between 1968 and 1972, NASA launched nine human missions to the moon. Then it stopped. No other country ever landed any man on the moon. Why? #thehighersources answer

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The Power of Crystals - Lost Technology

The use of crystals was common in the erstwhile Atlantis. Right from unlimited generation of electricity to enhancement of mental forces, the use of crystal was commonplace in Atlantis. Atlantis ultimately got destroyed due to the misuse of energy created using crystals. In this post #thehighersources tells us about the power of crystals

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Predictions for 2024

#thehighersources make some interesting predictions for 2024 concerning the US elections, Russia-Ukraine war, Israel-Hamas War, on China, India, Pakistan and on other issues and also make a startling prediction on the assassination of a world leader

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Heaven, Our Home - Part-III

#thehighersources continues their discourse about Heaven and answers some questions

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Heaven, Our Home - Part-II

#thehighersources provides further information about "Heaven" from where we all incarnate on Earth. They also talk about the senses that we use in Heaven and the creation of objects by mind,

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Acceleration of the Shift in 2024

The Shift began in 2012. It is picking up gradually as all can see and feel, except those who don't want to. 2024 is the year from which it will really pick up the pace. Old systems are dissolving fast. In 2024 every thing will change. Humanity, Earth herself, politics, economy. Everything which comes to mind will no longer function the way it has for centuries. Hold the light and love, as you prepare for transcendence.

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Heaven, Our Home - Part-I

In this series #thehighersources discuss about our true home, which we call Heaven. The Source (God), Heaven and the various Dimensions can be considered the three vertices of a triangle, which in combination comprise our Universe. In this series, they discuss about the various aspects of our true home, which we all know but forget when we incarnate

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Israel and Hamas Q&A

Some Q&A for #thehighersources on the Israel-Hamas conflict

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